Naperville Preservation

Ten Commandments of Timeless Design for Houses of any Age:  Talk #2, 04/10/25 @ 7PM


Naperville Preservation Inc  is a grassroots organization for historic preservation in Naperville, Illinois.  We are your neighbors, ordinary people who live right here with you.

Naperville Preservation is the only independent Naperville organization dedicated to historic preservation.  We are dedicated to all of Naperville and all architectural styles and periods, from a Queen Anne in the Historic District, to a Mid Century Modern in East Highlands, to the faux log cabin on the south side of town.  Naperville Preservation works to document and honor the built heritage of our hometown.

Read more about us and see some of the places around town we've had an impact, are keeping our eye on, or simply love. We have some webinars and resources on historic preservation in Naperville. You may also wish to attend on of our events and read about us in the news.

We are a 501(3)(c), incorporated in 2019. Please follow us on facebook, check out our YouTube videos, sign up for our email list, support our work, or simply contact us.

Want to become a member or renew?
Please visit our donation page.
Our Federal Tax ID (EIN) is 82-2763248.

The Historic Clow House at McDonald Farm
The Historic Clow House was moved stone by stone to the Conservation Foundation's McDonald Farm.

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